Sakurado Fine Arts is thrilled to present Anne Kagioka Rigoulet’s third solo exhibition with the gallery to be held on December 9th to 24th 2016. In her series Reflection, Kagioka introduces the viewers to her abstract vision when perceiving the surface of water. Rendered in an extraordinary colour palette, Kagioka employs graffito, a technique often employed in mural decor, with fabric and oil paint so as to create an enhanced materialism and sculptural weight in her paintings. Presented in ‘Reflection: 2015-16’ is her largest work to date, a 162 x 336cm panel, which is a culmination of her ceaseless attempt to crystalize the dynamic and intricate movement of water.
Born in 1987, Kagioka received her B.A. in oil painting and M.A. in mural painting from Tokyo University of thcme Arts in 2013. She then traveled to France to attend ENSAAMA (National School of Applied Arts and Arts Crafts) to study fresco/mosaic art and furthered her studies at Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts. Kagioka lives and works in Paris and Kamakura.
Born in 1987, Kagioka received her B.A. in oil painting and M.A. in mural painting from Tokyo University of thcme Arts in 2013. She then traveled to France to attend ENSAAMA (National School of Applied Arts and Arts Crafts) to study fresco/mosaic art and furthered her studies at Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts. Kagioka lives and works in Paris and Kamakura.