4-11-11 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 150-0001 JAPAN
Tel: +81-3-6434-7705

Takuro Tamura

Installation view, artwork: Takuro Tamura

  • Installation view, artwork: Takuro Tamura
  • Installation view, artwork: Takuro Tamura
  • Installation view, artwork: Takuro Tamura
  • Installation view, artwork: Takuro Tamura
  • Installation view, artwork: Takuro Tamura
  • Installation view, artwork: Takuro Tamura
We are pleased to present 5W<1H, Tokyo-based artist Takuro Tamura’s first solo exhibition at MAKI Gallery. Over fifty new works, including paintings and sculptures, will be on view at our gallery space in Omotesando, Tokyo. 
5W1H, or what is commonly known as the Five Ws (who, what, when, where, why) and the how, represents the most basic and fundamental questions asked in any situation. In particular, the “how” is crucial to Tamura and the way he approaches the making of his works.
The incessant focus on the “how” pushes the artist to consider his own existence through a critical lens, and in turn, encourages the viewer to take a closer look at their surroundings. How does one capture the collective consciousness and embed the values of our times into a work of art? Tamura’s practice is driven by questions such as these, and he continually expands his own observations and interpretations on the matter. We hope you will take this opportunity to delve into the largest presentation of Tamura’s works to date. 

